August 21, 2019 | Last updated on July 26, 2024

Enterprise Mobile Apps: Why You Should Care

Written by Marc Alringer

Updated August 2019

Enterprise mobile apps are becoming a vital part for many organizations as they strive to maintain a competitive edge and continue to innovate. Enterprise mobile apps allow teams to work more efficiently and effectively by addressing operational pain points. 

According to a report by Ericsson, there will be 1 million new mobile broadband subscribers added every day up to the end of 2022. This increase in mobile subscriptions boosts the number of apps being created.

Although this number reflects consumer facing products, there is a growing need for internal enterprise mobile applications. Since more people work remotely, companies need to provide them with easy access to company information. As these large enterprises focus on making mobility a top priority, they are investing more time and resources into developing a digital tool that will facilitate business operations. 

Consumer facing applications give users a new way to interact with your company while enterprise mobile applications will help your employees increase their work efficiency. These internal applications not only increase work efficiency, but they work to solve problems and alleviate the workload for certain departments.  

Reasons Why Enterprise Mobile Apps Are A Must

Enterprise mobile apps let workers get the job done anywhere which in turn can increase work output and streamline work processes. You may benefit from an enterprise mobile app if you suffer from inefficient business processes or need help managing resources. These apps can also benefit companies by notifying employees of changing conditions so they can respond on the go. That’s just the tip of the iceberg; there’s many reasons why you may want to invest in a mobile app. 

person using a mobile phone

Below, we provide a great example of the successful implementation of an enterprise mobile app.

One enterprise mobile app we created focused on eliminating inefficiencies within a company. This internal facing app provided the network administrators with company alerts, access to the status of their infrastructure, and the ability to respond to problems.   

Enterprise mobile apps can also empower field workers, such as delivery drivers and airport mechanics, by enabling them to analyze data instantaneously and providing business intelligence in real time. 

Two Key Aspects of Successful Enterprise Mobile Apps 

Unlike consumer facing apps, enterprise mobile apps are typically created to automate, streamline, or eliminate inefficiencies within business operations. Defining the business’ objectives is critical to the success of the mobile application. To make sure you build a successful product, create your enterprise mobile application with these aspects in mind.  

1.The Right Digital Strategy

Before you rush into development, you need to establish a clearly defined digital strategy. Start by specifying your business objectives.

By outlining your long term business goals, you can design an application that is scalable for new products and information over time. By not only thinking of long term goals but also thinking about how you can implement mobile technology for employees as a solution, you can successfully outline a business strategy. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Which processes are taking my employees more time than expected?
  • Is there a process that we could provide more access and flexibility to in order to reduce overhead costs?
  • Is there a recurring theme in the issues you encounter?
  • Do you think there’s a more efficient way to complete certain tasks?

2. Developing and Designing an App That Fits Your Business

Once the digital strategy is set, the next key to success is making sure you are developing and designing a product that aligns with your business.

Take a user centric approach by making sure you’re listening to what your users (your employees) want. This will help make sure that your enterprise mobile app addresses and alleviates problems that your employees might experience.

woman holding shopping bags and phone

Enterprise mobile apps can help boost company culture and strengthen communication efforts. If you have a lot of meetings or project deadlines, you can manage appointments and make sure that all employees are on the same page. They can also help connect remote workers.  

Enterprise mobile apps are a great way to solve a company’s pain point. For example, we made a web app for LOWY Medical Research Institute to help aggregate data and make it easier for researchers to find what they needed.  

Enterprise Mobile App Development 

Your company should decide which development architecture is best for developing an enterprise mobile app by taking a look at the details of native, web, and hybrid. Analyze how each option aligns with the digital strategy you created at the start of your project. 

To create enterprise mobile apps, decide the types of enterprise app software features you’d like to include in your app. Here are some common types of enterprise app software: 

  • Record tracking systems
  • Automated billing systems 
  • Business intelligence 
  • Payment processing 
  • Messaging systems 
  • Training 
  • Analytics

If you decide to create an internal enterprise mobile app, make sure that it aligns with all of the above aspects. This will ensure that you’re creating a tool that boosts your business! Have a question about enterprise mobile apps? Feel free to contact us today!

Marc Alringer
Written by
President/Founder, Seamgen
I founded Seamgen, an award winning, San Diego web and mobile app design and development agency.
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