We Create Immersive User Experiences

Seamgen’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designers are dedicated to working collaboratively with your team to truly understand your business objectives and your users. We are a custom application design agency in San Diego that specializes in strategic development. Our goal is to empower businesses to deliver on their user’s expectations - to do this - we create an unparalleled UX design that provides the ideal blend of design, functionality, and purpose.

Featured UI/UX Design Projects

Active Health
Kia Motors
Artificial Intelligence
Brain Corp
Real Estate
Real Estate Labs
How the right UI and UX can benefit your business

Elevate Your Business with Our User Experience Services

The success of your business hinges on the quality of your online presence, which is deeply influenced by your user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Constructing a digital application with an intuitive and immersive UX design empowers your business to enhance user engagement and foster user retention. Our human-centric design and development approach delivers distinctive experiences that cultivate customer loyalty and drive revenue growth. We fine-tune the UX throughout various workflows, tailoring them to how your users interact with your web or mobile application. With over a decade of expertise, Seamgen excels in crafting immersive user experiences that will undoubtedly distinguish your web or mobile application from competitors.


We take a user-centric approach with our UX design processes as we did with the Jasper web and mobile app pictured above.

User Centric Design and Development Process

Research & Strategy

Today's users anticipate seamless access to your products and services across a spectrum of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Merely concentrating on a single digital platform is no longer sufficient. Our team of UI/UX designers possesses expertise in crafting user experiences that ensure consistency across all these devices. A unified and adaptable UI/UX design not only enhances user engagement but also facilitates scalability across a variety of devices and platforms.


User Research & Performance Testing

We begin with gaining a deeper understanding of your customers and business goals. Once we’ve laid a foundation and developed a strategic project roadmap, we create wireframes, visual designs, and prototypes. Then, we conduct user performance testing in different test environments and make revisions based on real feedback. Using our customized techniques, we create a seamless user acceptance testing (UAT) process using manual and automated methods. This approach gives us the foundation we use to deliver mobile and web applications that provide the best possible experience for the user.


User personas are a key part of developing a deep understanding of clients' users and project business goals.

Cross-Functional Teams

Designers and developers work closely with clients and stakeholders to engineer a custom software solution within timeline and budget. We emphasize the needs of the user with a focus on the details that makes for an intuitive experience. Everything that we produce is vetted to be technically sound and accurate using an agile quality assurance (QA) process, so that our designs are an accurate representation of what will be developed.

We’d like to discuss your next UI/UX project!

What’s in our toolbox

Industry Standard UX/UI Tools


Figma has become an indispensable tool in the realm of user experience design. Its collaborative and cloud-based nature transcends traditional design software. It allows UX designers to work seamlessly with team members and clients in real time, regardless of geographical boundaries. Figma's versatility spans from wireframing and prototyping to creating high-fidelity user interfaces, streamlining the entire design process. With its robust design system capabilities, Figma ensures consistency and efficiency throughout the design journey, making it easier to manage complex projects. Moreover, the platform's version control and history tracking features facilitate iterative design and feedback cycles, fostering an environment where innovation and refinement flourish. As a result, Figma empowers UX designers to craft user-centered solutions with greater speed, precision, and collaboration than ever before.

Rectangle 21

Pictured above is a UX design system developed in Figma during the UX design process for mobile and web applications.

Featured Client

Nena Personal Finance

Targeted Reward Recommendations

Nena, an innovative User Experience design project, was created for a large financial institution client. Nena stands out as a cutting-edge mobile user experience design to revolutionize the way users choose credit cards. The goal of the app design was to intelligently integrate with personal bank accounts while employing an advanced recommendation engine to analyze individual financial habits and preferences.

The core of Nena's functionality was its ability to offer tailor-made credit card suggestions. By examining the user's spending patterns, income, and lifestyle choices, it identified the most suitable credit card options that maximize rewards and benefits. This personalized approach ensured that users were not just getting a generic recommendation, but a carefully curated selection that would align perfectly with their financial behavior and goals.

Our user-centric approach in Nena prioritized user experience, ensuring the interface was not only intuitive but also engaging.

Nena exemplifies our commitment to creating solutions that are not only functional but also resonate on a personal level with the end-users.

Do you need a custom software development partner?

Let’s discuss your modernization strategy and digital application goals.


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