Simplify the Day-to-Day Tasks of Today’s Real Estate Agents
Real estate agents have to look for leads, meet clients, show houses, do appraisals, and much more. Needless to say, the job requires hard work. Referral Maker | CRM is a work-by-referral system specially designed to assist real estate agents in tackling the chaos of their day-to-day.

See Nearby Clients
Advanced mapping technology enables users to know which clients are closest to their location. In addition to this, the application is capable of providing recommendations.

Smart Priorities
The Priority Action Center takes out the guesswork in communication. Preloaded activities tell you who to call, who to respond to, and who to meet in person.

Sync and Coordinate
The in-app calendar syncs directly to your phone’s calendar -- eliminating redundant entries and keeping you focused on the task at hand. You’ll never miss another appointment, birthday, or important event.

Made Possible with 
Xamarin builds native apps for iOS, Android, Windows and Mac with a single, shared C# codebase. This is performed with the same language, APIs, and data structure on every platform. As a result, Xamarin consistently yields efficient development.